Political Science Books
Citizens and E-Government: Evaluating Policy ...
E-government research has flourished as a way of disseminating information and... E-government research has flourished as a way of disseminating information and providing services to citizens ever since the popularization of the Internet. Although there have been tremendous advancements in the world of e-government critical... more
Controversies in Electoral Democracy and Cong...
The U.S. House of Representatives has been frozen at 435 members for almost a ... The U.S. House of Representatives has been frozen at 435 members for almost a century and in that time the nation s population has grown by more than 200 percent. With the number of citizens represented by each House member now dramatically larger... more
Thomas Pogge and His Critics (Hardcover)
The massive disparity between the relative wealth of most citizens in affluent... The massive disparity between the relative wealth of most citizens in affluent countries and the profound poverty of billions of people struggling elsewhere for survival is morally jolting. But why exactly is this disparity so outrageous and how... more
Global Justice and Avant-Garde Political Agen...
Why should states matter and how do relations between fellow-citizens affect w... Why should states matter and how do relations between fellow-citizens affect what is owed to distant strangers? How if at all can demanding egalitarian principles inform political action in the real world? This book proposes a novel solution through... more
Issues in Political Theory Political Obligati...
How should we understand the relationship between citizens and governments and... How should we understand the relationship between citizens and governments and what are the obligations of citizens? In this substantially revised new edition of an influential text John Horton challenges dominant theories by offering an associative... more
Understanding China Today Civil Liberties in ...
This book examines civil liberties in China today covering the topics of const... This book examines civil liberties in China today covering the topics of constitutional rights of citizens rights of the criminally accused the court and legal systems and judicial conflicts between government regulation and personal freedoms. The... more
Controversies in Electoral Democracy and Cong...
The U.S. House of Representatives has been frozen at 435 members for almost a ... The U.S. House of Representatives has been frozen at 435 members for almost a century and in that time the nation s population has grown by more than 200 percent. With the number of citizens represented by each House member now dramatically larger... more
Norton Global Ethics Thinking in an Emergency...
In Thinking in an Emergency Elaine Scarry lays bare the realities of emergency... In Thinking in an Emergency Elaine Scarry lays bare the realities of emergency politics and emphasizes what she sees as the ultimate ethical concern: equality of survival. She reveals how regular citizens can reclaim the power to protect one another... more
Between Terror and Tourism : An Overland Jour...
For his 65th birthday acclaimed novelist Michael Mewshaw took a 4 000-mile ove... For his 65th birthday acclaimed novelist Michael Mewshaw took a 4 000-mile overland trip across North Africa. Arriving in Egypt during food riots he heads west into Libya where billions in oil money have produced little except citizens eager to flee... more
Praeger Security International No More Secret...
This in-depth analysis shows how the high stakes contest surrounding open sour... This in-depth analysis shows how the high stakes contest surrounding open source information is forcing significant reform within the U.S. intelligence community the homeland security sector and among citizen activists. Since 9/11 U.S. intelligence... more
Marching Toward Hell : America and Islam Afte...
When Michael Scheuer first questioned the goals of the Iraq War in his 2004 be... When Michael Scheuer first questioned the goals of the Iraq War in his 2004 bestseller Imperial Hubris policymakers and ordinary citizens alike stood up and took notice. Now Scheuer offers a scathing and frightening look at how the Iraq War has been... more
Routledge Advances in European Politics The I...
This book examines accountability in the EU from different perspectives and co... This book examines accountability in the EU from different perspectives and considers whether EU citizens have real opportunities for holding decision-makers accountable. This book critically analyses five arguments which claim there are sufficient... more
Town Meeting : Practicing Democracy in Rural ...
Explores the history and practice of an uncommon but enduring form of American... Explores the history and practice of an uncommon but enduring form of American self-government At Gettysburg Abraham Lincoln described government by the people as the great task remaining before us. Many citizens of modern America frustrated and... more
Neighborhood Planning : A Guide for Citizens ...
First published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an inform... First published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. This guide explains neighborhood planning for both citizens and professionals. It explains what information to collect where to get it and how to assess it; how... more
Contending Modernities Inclusive Populism: Cr...
In this first volume in the Contending Modernities series Inclusive Populism: ... In this first volume in the Contending Modernities series Inclusive Populism: Creating Citizens in the Global Age Angus Ritchie claims that our current political upheavals exemplified by the far-right populism of billionaire Donald Trump reveal... more
The Open Space of Democracy (Paperback)
Terry Tempest Williams presents a sharp-edged perspective on the ethics and po... Terry Tempest Williams presents a sharp-edged perspective on the ethics and politics of place spiritual democracy and the responsibilities of citizen engagement. By turns elegiac inspiring and passionate The Open Space of Democracy offers a fresh... more
Human Rights Watch World Report (Paperback): ...
The most sought-after report of human rights news--an invaluable resource for ... The most sought-after report of human rights news--an invaluable resource for journalists diplomats and citizens. Human Rights Watch is increasingly recognized as the world s leader in building a stronger awareness for human rights. Their annual... more
Systems of Public Welfare (Paperback)
Perhaps there is no field in which accurate information and dependable directi... Perhaps there is no field in which accurate information and dependable direction are more eagerly sought by old and new officials legislative bodies civic and social agencies and citizens in general than in public welfare. This volume is an effort... more
The EU and Social Inclusion : Facing the Chal...
Social cohesion is one of the declared objectives of the European Union and wi... Social cohesion is one of the declared objectives of the European Union and with some 16% of EU citizens at risk of poverty the need to fight poverty and social exclusion continues as a major challenge. This book provides an in-depth analysis of the... more
Sortition and Public Policy: Political Potent...
The central feature of every true lottery is that all rational evaluation is d... The central feature of every true lottery is that all rational evaluation is deliberately excluded. Once this principle is grasped the author argues we can begin to understand exactly what benefits sortition can bring to the political community. The... more
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