Mathematics Books

11,170 matches

Mathematics and Its Applications: Applied The...

E.t moi .. si j avait su comment en revenir One service mathematics has render... E.t moi .. si j avait su comment en revenir One service mathematics has rendered the human race. It has put common sense back je n y serais point aile. Jules Verne where it belongs on the topmost shelf nex t to the dusty canister labelled discarded... more

as low as $123.65 $100.56

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Mathematics Education Library: Mathematical K...

In the first BACOMET volume different perspectives on issues concerning teache... In the first BACOMET volume different perspectives on issues concerning teacher education in mathematics were presented (B. Christiansen A. G. Howson and M. Otte Perspectives on Mathematics Education Reidel Dordrecht 1986). Underlying all of them... more

as low as $125.30 $101.49

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College Algebra and Trigonometry Algebra and ...

Clear explanations an uncluttered and appealing layout and examples and exerci... Clear explanations an uncluttered and appealing layout and examples and exercises featuring a variety of real-life applications have made this book popular among students year after year. This latest edition of Swokowski and Cole s ALGEBRA AND... more

as low as $214.37 $105.11

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Handbook of Parametric and Nonparametric Stat...

Following in the footsteps of its bestselling predecessors the Handbook of Par... Following in the footsteps of its bestselling predecessors the Handbook of Parametric and Nonparametric Statistical Procedures Fifth Edition provides researchers teachers and students with an all-inclusive reference on univariate bivariate and... more

as low as $292.74 $255.99

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Calculus: Single and Multivariable (Hardcover...

Blank and Krantz s Calculus 2e brings together time-tested methods and innovat... Blank and Krantz s Calculus 2e brings together time-tested methods and innovative thinking to address the needs of today s students who come from a wide range of backgrounds and look ahead to a variety of futures. Using meaningful examples credible... more

as low as $419.87 $284.59

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Calculus Concepts: An Informal Approach to th...

This innovative text features a graphing calculator approach incorporating rea... This innovative text features a graphing calculator approach incorporating real-life applications and such technology as graphing utilities and Excel spreadsheets to help students learn mathematical skills that they will use in their lives and... more

as low as $319.93

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Number Theory (Hardcover)

Number Theory: A Lively Introduction with Proofs Applications and Stories is a... Number Theory: A Lively Introduction with Proofs Applications and Stories is a new book that provides a rigorous yet accessible introduction to elementary number theory along with relevant applications. Readable discussions motivate new concepts and... more

as low as $196.36 $117.49

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Operator Theory: Advances and Applications: M...

This is the ?rst of two volumes containing peer-reviewed research and survey p... This is the ?rst of two volumes containing peer-reviewed research and survey papers based on invited talks at the International Conference on Modern Analysis and Applications. The conference which was dedicated to the 100th anniversary... more

as low as $158.78

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Algebra & Trigonometry

Algebra & Trigonometry Algebra & Trigonometry more

as low as $263.85

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Springer Optimization and Its Applicatio Vari...

In recent years new mathematical methods and tools have been developed and - p... In recent years new mathematical methods and tools have been developed and - plied extensively in the ?eld of aerospace engineering for example ?nite element method computational ?uiddynamics optimization control eigenvalues problems. The... more

as low as $233.93 $210.53

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Progress in Probability: Fractal Geometry and...

Over the last fifteen years fractal geometry has established itself as a subst... Over the last fifteen years fractal geometry has established itself as a substantial mathematical theory in its own right. The interplay between fractal geometry analysis and stochastics has highly influenced recent developments in mathematical... more

as low as $107.81

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Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Me...

Mechanics provides the link between mathematics and practical engineering app-... Mechanics provides the link between mathematics and practical engineering app- cations. It is one of the oldest sciences and many famous scientists have left and will leave their mark in this fascinating ?eld of research. Perhaps one of the most... more

as low as $152.69 $107.81

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de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics: Differenti...

Significant interest in the investigation of systems with discontinuous trajec... Significant interest in the investigation of systems with discontinuous trajectories is explained by the development of equipment in which significant role is played by impulsive control systems and impulsive computing systems. Impulsive systems are... more

as low as $266.18

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The History of Mathematics: An Introduction

The History of Mathematics: An Introduction The History of Mathematics: An Introduction more

as low as $219.55

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Basic College Mathematics (Paperback) by Elay...

9780321649409. New condition. Paperback. Edition: 4. Language: English. Intend... 9780321649409. New condition. Paperback. Edition: 4. Language: English. Intended for college/higher education audience. Elayn Martin-Gay firmly believes that every student can succeed and her developmental math textbooks and video resources are... more

as low as $18.08

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Elementary Number Theory (Hardcover)

Elementary Number Theory Seventh Edition is written for the one-semester under... Elementary Number Theory Seventh Edition is written for the one-semester undergraduate number theory course taken by math majors secondary education majors and computer science students. This contemporary text provides a simple account of classical... more

as low as $225.06

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Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations ...

This volume is based on the Conference on Nonlinear Parabolic Problems at the ... This volume is based on the Conference on Nonlinear Parabolic Problems at the Banach Center in Bedlewo Poland. The text covers topics such as nonlinear evolution equations fluid dynamics quasi-linear parabolic equations and systems functional... more

as low as $120.28 $107.90

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Precalculus: Graphs and Models (Hardcover)

Three components contribute to a theme sustained throughout the Coburn/Herdlic... Three components contribute to a theme sustained throughout the Coburn/Herdlick Graphs and Models series: that of laying a firm foundation building a solid framework and providing strong connections. In the Graphs and Models texts the authors... more

as low as $201.26

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Crm Mathematical Physics: Random Matrices Ran...

This book explores the remarkable connections between two domains that seem un... This book explores the remarkable connections between two domains that seem unrelated: random matrices and integrable systems. It applies the theory of integrable systems to the solution of fundamental problems in random systems and processes more

as low as $161.89

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Algebra & Trigonometry: With Student Solution...

Axler Algebra & Trigonometry is written for the two semester course. The text ... Axler Algebra & Trigonometry is written for the two semester course. The text provides students with the skill and understanding needed for their coursework and for participating as an educated citizen in a complex society. Axler Algebra &... more

as low as $299.96 $250.16

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