Current Events Books

3,433 matches

Economic Studies in Inequality Social Exclusi...

Poverty is a paradoxical state. Recognizable in the eld for any sensitive obse... Poverty is a paradoxical state. Recognizable in the eld for any sensitive observer who travels in remote rural areas and urban slums and meets marginalized people in a given society poverty still remains a challenge to conceptual formalization and... more

as low as $220.46 $158.14

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A New Understanding of Terrorism (Hardcover)

Terrorism is a complex phenomenon that cannot be understood through reading of... Terrorism is a complex phenomenon that cannot be understood through reading of a number of unrelated academic articles or a dry overview of the history of terrorism or the investigative techniques. For A New Understanding of Terrorism the Editors... more

as low as $213.42

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Drugs & Media: New Perspectives on Communicat...

We have developed into a culture that is over-reliant upon pharmaceutical and ... We have developed into a culture that is over-reliant upon pharmaceutical and recreational drugs; where drugs are incessantly advertised and promoted to us via our mass media. Like drugs communication media alter the way we interact with the world;... more

as low as $253.25

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Integrating Ecology and Poverty Reduction: Ec...

In the past the science of ecology has frequently been excluded from the devel... In the past the science of ecology has frequently been excluded from the development agenda for various reasons. Increasingly however there has been a renewed interest in finding more ecologically sustainable means of development that have required... more

as low as $163.87 $153.23

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Marital Agreements and Private Autonomy in Co...

This book deals with a subject that has recently been the focus of debate and ... This book deals with a subject that has recently been the focus of debate and law reform in many jurisdictions: how much scope should spouses have to conclude agreements concerning their financial affairs and under which circumstances should such... more

as low as $219.21 $191.44

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New Directions in Media American Film in the ...

This eclectic yet comprehensive analytical overview of the cataclysmic changes... This eclectic yet comprehensive analytical overview of the cataclysmic changes in the American film industry since 1990 shows how they have collectively resulted in a new era--The Digital Age. The American film industry has entered a new era.... more

as low as $85.01

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Michael Farquhar Treasury A Treasury of Royal...

From Nero s nagging mother (whom he found especially annoying after taking her... From Nero s nagging mother (whom he found especially annoying after taking her as his lover) to Catherine s stable of studs (not of the equine variety) here is a wickedly delightful look at the most scandalous royal doings you never learned about in... more

as low as $17.00 $14.13

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No Caption Needed: Iconic Photographs Public ...

In No Caption Needed Robert Hariman and John Louis Lucaites provide the defini... In No Caption Needed Robert Hariman and John Louis Lucaites provide the definitive study of the iconic photograph as a dynamic form of public art. Their critical analyses of nine individual icons explore the photographs themselves and their... more

as low as $31.97

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Women of Afghanistan in the Post-Taliban Era:...

This book examines the changing roles of Afghani women in the aftermath of the... This book examines the changing roles of Afghani women in the aftermath of the overthrow of the oppressive Taliban regime in 2001. It describes the success of women in the workforce and evaluates how their achievements have come about in a nation... more

as low as $29.45

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Portfolios of the Poor: How the World s Poor ...

Nearly forty percent of humanity lives on an average of two dollars a day or l... Nearly forty percent of humanity lives on an average of two dollars a day or less. If you ve never had to survive on an income so small it is hard to imagine. How would you put food on the table afford a home and educate your children? How would you... more

as low as $20.35 $18.09

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Nyu Social and Cultural Analysis: Nice Work I...

2009 Choice Outstanding Academic Title A survey into an emerging pattern of la... 2009 Choice Outstanding Academic Title A survey into an emerging pattern of labor instability and uneven global development Is job insecurity the new norm? With fewer and fewer people working in steady long-term positions for one employer has the... more

as low as $35.78 $30.00

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Understanding Global News: A Critical Introdu...

A lively and critical introduction to the news media this book has been writte... A lively and critical introduction to the news media this book has been written specifically for media students and trainee journalists. Understanding Global News invites the reader to explore contemporary journalistic practice and questions the... more

as low as $93.66

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How Soccer Explains the World: An Unlikely Th...

\ An eccentric fascinating exposé of a world most of us know nothing about. .... \ An eccentric fascinating exposé of a world most of us know nothing about. . . . Bristles with anecdotes that are almost impossible to believe.\ --New York Times Book Review \ Terrific. . . . A travelogue full of important insights into both... more

as low as $11.09 $8.49

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Globalization Opposing Viewpoints Paperback 0...

This is a Brand New book in excellent condition. Format: Paperback Author: Hau... This is a Brand New book in excellent condition. Format: Paperback Author: Haugen David ISBN10: 0737747722 ISBN13: 9780737747720 Globalization Opposing Viewpoints more

as low as $34.80

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Globalisation Regionalism and Economic Interd...

How has increasing economic integration at regional and global level affected ... How has increasing economic integration at regional and global level affected the functioning of the global economy? What are the consequences of globalisation and regionalism for world trade production processes and domestic economies? What kind of... more

as low as $41.99

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Last Words of the Executed (Hardcover)

Some beg for forgiveness. Others claim innocence. At least three cheer for the... Some beg for forgiveness. Others claim innocence. At least three cheer for their favorite football teams. Death waits for us all but only those sentenced to death know the day and the hour--and only they can be sure that their last words will be... more

as low as $29.34

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Historical Materialism: The Clash of Globaliz...

This work addresses the politics of globalization and the rise of anti-capital... This work addresses the politics of globalization and the rise of anti-capitalist movements. more

as low as $34.43

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The 9/11 Commission Report (Paperback)

Published for the tenth anniversary of 9/11 this new edition of the authorized... Published for the tenth anniversary of 9/11 this new edition of the authorized report is limited to the Commission s riveting account--which was a finalist for the National Book Award--of the attack and its background examining both the attackers... more

as low as $14.19 $12.87

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Contemporary World Issues (Hardcover): Modern...

This in-depth examination reviews fundamental changes of the past decade that ... This in-depth examination reviews fundamental changes of the past decade that have reduced homelessness in the United States and other Western democracies. Focusing on the last decade Modern Homelessness: A Reference Handbook examines the issue in... more

as low as $74.27

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Globalization East and West (Paperback)

Do we confuse globalization for Americanization? What are the distinctive elem... Do we confuse globalization for Americanization? What are the distinctive elements in the interplay of the local and the global? This much needed book is the first full length text to examine globalization from the perspective of both the West and... more

as low as $69.99

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